Sparqube Picture Column is simple and intuitive component for uploading and displaying images in SharePoint lists.

Adding image to SharePoint list is as simple as selecting image from disk and clicking Upload button, all other steps will be done without
any further manual interventions:
- Images are automatically linked with items;
- Large images are automatically resized to reduce image size;
- Images of rarely-used formats like TIFF or BMP are automatically converted to more web-friendly formats like JPEG or PNG;
- Thumbnails shown in list views are automatically generated and associated with full-size image;
- Item display form will show images with predefined size limit.

Sparqube Picture Column is everything what "Hyperlink or Picture" column should be. There is no need to upload pictures to image
library manually, copy and put image link into URL textbox of "Hyperlink or Picture" column of an item. Simply choose
desired images on your computer and upload them.
New unique features allow attaching multiple pictures to one list item, easily manage them by intuitive UI and
display them in jQuery lightbox which makes IU experience even more than pleasant. Lightbox can run in carousel mode similar to picture slideshow.
Text description can be added to each picture, and it will be shown in lightbox along the picture.
With popularity growth of social networking and using SharePoint as public-facing Internet portal platform
there is the need to share images with friends, colleagues and business partners. Sparqube Picture Column achieves
such goals by leveraging AddThis services to add
transparent sharing functionality.
Highlights and Benefits
- Supports all editions of SharePoint 2010, 2013, 2016 (except O365)
- Upload images from local or network disk
- Supports any SharePoint list type
- Linking of images to list item and automatic managing its physical location
- Supports multiple images per list item
- List view image display modes: Thumbnail and Link

- Automatic image resizing on upload
- Automatic image format conversion on upload (TIFF, BMP to JPEG, PNG)
- Image size limit in list view and item display form
- Ability to specify document library for storing images
- Filter by file extensions
- Integrates jQuery lightbox for pleasant user interface experience
- Share images in social networks using AddThis toolbox

- Download images to disk

- Supports multiple languages
- Customer-driven development
- Affordable prices
- Flexible licensing
Sparqube Picture Column Lite
Since Sparqube Picture Column is popular and loved by our customers, we've decided to make it
even more accessible to general public. We are proud to present Sparqube
Picture Column Lite which is a younger brother to Picture Column. Full feature comparison chart can be found here.
Picture Column Lite is completely free and is distributed under open-source license. Project is hosted and can be
found on Codeplex along with ready-to-install
downloads and source code.